16-2 Integration of pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation in orthopedic treatment
Integration of pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation in orthopedic treatment / Rachel Kafri
Pelvic Floor Muscles (PFM) and Transverse Abdominals (TA) are part of the stabilization muscles of the pelvis and lower back. Motor control and coordination of these muscles affects normal lower back functions. A high prevalence of pelvic floor dysfunction has been found among female patients with lower back pain; for example, 78% of women with lower back pain also demonstrated urinary incontinence. The goal of this article is to alert physical therapists to the need to treat pelvic floor dysfunction in female patients with lower back pain.
Method: Case study
Summary and conclusions: This study presents and evaluates the case and treatmentof a 50-year-old woman whose orthopedic problem coincided with urinary tract and bowel disorders. The pelvic floor rehabilitation was combined with orthopedic treatment, in order to reduce pain and improve control of both general postural muscles and pelvic floor muscles in particular. Treatment also included raising the patient's awareness to ways to improve nutrition and other behavioral habits. However, changing habits is a process that requires therapeutic support and follow-up. The integrated therapeutic intervention resulted in symptomatic improvement as reported at the end of the course of treatment, but within six months, the patient's condition regressed back to pretreatment state, due to the difficulty of implementing the recommended
behaviors in daily life.
:Key words
Lower back pain, Urinary incontinence, Pelvic floor muscles, Motor control, Transverse .Abdominals